Photographs of secular humanism in Flanders and Brussels
In our photo library we keep a lot of photos that were donated by secular humanist associations and individuals. These include photo reports of rites of passage such as the Lentefeesten and Feesten Vrijzinnige Jeugd, activities of secular humanist organisations, jubilees, portraits of secular humanist advocates, and so on.
A large number of these images can be viewed via our online catalogue. Did you find a description that interests you, but there is no image linked to it? Then this picture is not digitally available yet. In that case you can consult it in our reading room.
You can request a digital copy of some of the photos in our collection. What can and is allowed depends on the copyright on the photo, the persons, buildings and works of art depicted in the photo and the purpose for which you want to use the photo. When you request a digital copy, depending on the type of use (research, publication, personal or commercial use) permission will have to be requested from one or more parties and you might also have to pay a fee.
If you are interested in a digital copy of an image from our collection, be sure to read the reproduction rules and then fill in the application form.
It goes without saying that we do everything in our power to comply with the statutory copyright regulations. Unfortunately, not every piece in our collection has a known author. Please contact us if you believe you can still assert rights.