On 9 June 2022 CAVA (Centrum voor Academische en Vrijzinnige Archieven) invites dr. Stefan Schröder for a lecture on 'Lived' Humanism in Europe. He discusses the evolution of organized humanism in Germany and beyond.
Dr. Schröder (Universität Bayreuth, Germany) published his PhD in 2018 as part of the series Religion and Its Others: Studies in Religion, Nonreligion and Secularity. In this study he traces the historical development of 'freigeistiger' organizations in Germany after the Second World War, with a special focus on the 'humanist turn' in the 1980s.
Schröder's insights provide CAVA with interesting points of reference for the current research project on 50 years Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen/deMens.nu. It will allow the community of Belgian/Flemish freethinking and humanist organisations to reflect on its own development within a broader international perspective.
This lecture is made possible through the support of Instelling Morele Dienstverlening Brussel.
Time: Thursday June 9th 2022, 19h30
Location: U-Residence, Boulevard General Jacques 271, 1050 Elsene
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