Broadcast Tijdgenoten, interview with prof. em. Hubert Dethier, submitted by Joke Goovaerts

From 1980 to 2015 Het Vrije Woord (“The Free Word”) made programmes on current affairs as well as opinion pieces from a secular humanist point of view. Under the name Lichtpunt, they were broadcast on public television during broadcasting time allotted to the different life stances. Special about the series Tijdgenoten ("Contemporaries") was that the interviewees were able to express their ideas in a profound way, which is rather exceptional in television these days. Each time, people were featured who in one way or another influenced our social thinking: domestic and foreign philosophers, authors, scientists and musicians. This type of programme showed that the mass medium of television could be used to express ideas and visions with respect for the interviewee. Because of this format, great philosophers, writers,... were willing to participate.
Together with her colleagues, Joke Govaerts provided exciting broadcasts for Lichtpunt for many years. She chose the interview with Prof. em. Hubert Dethier (VUB) because it was special to create this interview as a former student of his. The episode was broadcast on 15 May 2011 on the VRT channels één and Canvas.