Book Ik ben naar Marrakech geweest, submitted by the huisvandeMens Sint-Niklaas

The book “Ik ben naar Marrakech geweest” (“I went to Marrakesh”) was written by Chris Schoeters, Chris van Maele, Maria Moeskops, Winnie Belpaeme, Kathleen Van Steenkiste, Denise Odekerken, Wouter Matthijs and Ulrike Dausel, edited by Chris Pijpen and published on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen (UVV). It offers a retrospective of the role and tasks of the moral counsellor in the field of moral assistance, complete with examples from practice.
The authors each tell a story from their practice as moral counsellors, thus outlining a range of cries for help and clarifying the way in which these are dealt with. In addition, the theoretical framework is explained, in which the questions of meaning are answered and the moral need is addressed.
Our society continues to change and the pastoral care provided by the non-denominational community naturally adapts to this constant development. Strictly speaking, moral assistance is, and will remain, an important part of moral services, but from now on, more attention will also be paid to preserving the social fabric, participation in societies, information and participation in the social network. For those who are curious about pastoral care, as it is defined theoretically and practically by the moral counsellors, this book is the key that opens up the world of non-denominational pastoral care.
According to the team of the huisvandeMens Sint-Niklaas, it is still one of the reference works for every beginning and experienced moral counsellor.