Poster for the music competition Freedom of Mind, submitted by Ninnia De Coster of the huisvandeMens Brussels
Freedom of Mind is a music contest organised by deMens.nu and Jong nu. In the stave you can recognise the song “De gedachten zijn vrij” (“Thoughts Are Free”), which is very important for secular humanists and deMens.nu and which can also be found in the student codex of the VUB. The song is the Dutch translation of “Die Gedanken Sind Frei” which, depending on the source, dates from the 1500s or the beginning of the 19th century. It was a protest song against political repression and censorship sung by resistance groups and in the concentration camps during the Second World War.
The theme of the competition is free thought. The aim is for young people to work creatively around secular humanist values. The theme seems to appeal to young people, because the response is high - something that is not so obvious in this target group.
Participants could submit their musical creations until 29 March 2018. The eight finalists competed on 12 May at De Vaartkapoen in Brussels.

Poster for the music competition Freedom of Mind,
designed by Sam Weckx and the huisvandeMens Brussel