Medallions of Saint Verhaegen
Each year on 20 November St V or Saint Verhaegen is celebrated. The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) celebrate their founder, Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen, and the fact the ULB opened its doors on 20 November 1834. On this day, humanist values such as freedom of thought and freedom of speech play a central role.
The celebration consist of an official commemoration ceremony and a procession, as well as many other activities in the weeks leading up to the main event. Every Saint Verhaegen, much attention is paid to the struggle for freedom of previous generations, of which some perished in the wars. At the same time, participants openly criticize current social shortcomings in their speeches and banners.
Since 1938 the 'umbrella' student societies of the ULB and the VUB, the Association des Cercles Etudiants (ACE) and the Brussels Studentengenootschap (BSG) respectively, have designed and sold an official medaillion, which embodies the annual theme.
Browse through these pages and take a look at the official St V medallions in the collection of CAVA: