Research on the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
As the university archives, CAVA conducts historical research on the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and its academic community. The archives are extremely rich and staff members have already compiled lists with basic information about the university. In addition, CAVA also published context information on various themes, such as the ideological character of the university, its intangible heritage and symbolism and the history of the campus. The research into student life in Brussels is so important that a separate page is dedicated to it. Several other themes are discussed at length on the website '50 Years of VUB'.
CAVA is happy to share its online bibliography with interested parties. It is a non-exhaustive list of books and articles, which is regularly updated. Basic literature can be found below. Some of the works included in the bibliography can be consulted in the reference library in the reading room.
Literature published by CAVA:
- Mondelaers N., and Scheelings F., Universiteit en maatschappij: 25 Jaar VUB, Brussels, VUB, 1995.
- Scheelings, F., Het probleem van de verdubbeling, in: A. Despy-Meyer, A. Dierkens, F. Scheelings (eds.), 25 november 1941: De Université Libre de Bruxelles sluit haar deuren, Brussels, 1991, p. 225-233.
- Scheelings F., De verwevenheid van de vrijzinnig-humanistische levensbeschouwing en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel in historisch perspectief. Mogelijkheden tot onderzoek in F. Scheelings, G. Coene and J. Koppen (eds.), Op zoek... De evolutie van het vrijzinnig humanisme in Vlaanderen sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog, CAVA, Brussels, pp. 113-140.
Works published by others who made use of the archives held by CAVA:
- Witte E. and Tyssens J. (eds.). De Tuin van Akademos. Studies naar aanleiding van de vijfentwintigste verjaardag van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Brussels, VUBPRESS, 1995.
Works by students:
- Verbeylen G., Vlamingen verenigen zich op campus Solbosch: een studie naar Nederlandstalige verenigingen en netwerken in de aanloop naar de splitsing van de unitaire universiteit ULB/VUB 1950-1970, VUB, 2018 (unpublished dissertation).