Saint Verhaegen (as intangible cultural heritage), submitted by the Centrum voor Academische en Vrijzinnige Archieven (CAVA)
On 20 November the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) commemorate their founder Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen. In 1834, the first academic year at the ULB began on this day. In 1888, on this academic leave day, the students decided to express their sympathy for Verhaegen as the founder of a free and scientific education, without superstition or intolerance. Two hundred of them gathered around the statue of Verhaegen and then - very neatly dressed - went in procession to the cemetery to lay flowers on the grave of their 'idol'. The press spoke ironically of a 'canonization' of Verhaegen: Saint Verhaegen was born.
On 20 November, the resistance heroes and the victims of the University from the Second World War are also remembered. In the period between WWII and 1969, Flemish students often used their right to speak during Saint Verhaegen to demand the further duplication along linguistic lines of the ULB. For this reason, the day has a special significance for the Flemish student community.
After the more austere official commemoration in the morning, the procession starts in the afternoon. In full board, with flags and the necessary drinks, the students descend from their campuses to the Sablon. There they fraternise with students from colleges and universities all over Brussels. DJs and student fanfares get the big student party going: the students sing, dance and drink. At the Sablon the student associations show panels and banners: they use socially critical drawings and slogans to denounce the abuses in the world. An annual theme is determined that responds to current events.
CAVA strives for the recognition of Saint Verhaegen as intangible cultural heritage because the city of Brussels and Belgium need their critical youngsters more than ever.