Research on Student Life in Brussels
In 2006, the University Archives developed the exhibition 150 jaar Vlaamse studenten in Brussel as an introduction to the subject of Flemish Students in Brussels (only available in Dutch). The 'storytelling night' Studentikoos en vrijzinnig (in Dutch)is a nice addition to this exhibition.
The archives of student societies and students kept at CAVA lend themselves well to further research. After all, they illustrate social life at the university and in Brussels, with annual highlights such as the celebration of “Saint” Verhaegen, the founder of the ULB; the Vrijzinnig Zangfeest, a secular humanist song contest for student societies; the Spel zonder grenzen, a game between the student societies of different faculties; etc.
In 2019, Saint Verhaegen was included in the inventory of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) of the Brussels-Capital Region. The file submitted at that time gives a brief overview of the genesis of this celebration, but further research is warranted.
CAVA is happy to share its online bibliography with interested parties. This is a non-exhaustive list of books and articles, which is regularly updated. Basic literature can be found below. Some of the works included in the bibliography can be consulted in our reference library in the reading room.
Literature published by CAVA:
- Scheelings, F., Studentenbeweging: Brussel, in: Nieuwe Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging, Tielt, 1998, p. 2881-2891.
- Knaepen, K., Scheelings, F., Ospazi, S., Joosen, T., Demailly, R. & Trachet, N., Dossier 150 jaar Vlaamse studenten in Brussel, in: UVV-Info, 22, 2005, 5, p. 4-33.
- Scheelings F., Les étudiantes dans les cercles estudiantins de la VUB, in: Femmes de culture et de pouvoir. Liber amicorum Andrée Despy-Meyer. Sextant: Revue du Groupe Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes sur les Femmes, 13/14, 2000, p. 337-350.
- De Smet R., Marcelis J.L., Mondelaers N. and Scheelings F. Van Flower Power over democratische besluitvorming in kinderschoenen naar een volwassen Sociale Raad, in: Witte E. and Tyssens J. (eds.). De Tuin van Akademos. Studies naar aanleiding van de vijfentwintigste verjaardag van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Brussels, VUBPress, 1995, p. 393-424.
Works by students:
- Van Damme T., VUB op stelten!: een studie van studentenprotest en de rol van de SOR in de jaren '70 en '80. Brussels, VUB, 2013 (unpublished dissertation).