Archives of secular humanism in Flanders and Brussels
CAVA keeps the archives of associations and persons belonging to organised and non-organised secular humanism, and of associations and persons who can be considered as belonging to non-organised secular humanism but who were active within the legal structure of the VUB (e.g. archives of a secular humanist professor or a secular humanist study centre).
These archives convey a secular humanist life stance. A few examples from the CAVA collection:
- Archives of the Humanistisch Verbond (Humanist Covenant), the Humanistisch-Vrijzinnige Vormingswerk and the Humanistisch-Vrijzinnige Vereniging (Secular Humanist Association), from the foundation in 1951 to the present day, coming from both the national board and the local departments;
- Archives of the Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen (Union of Secular Humanist Associations) / deMens.nu;
- Paper and video archive of the non-profit organisation Het Vrije Woord (The Free Word);
- Archive of the Oudervereniging voor de Moraal (Parents' Association for Morals).
You’ll find a complete overview of the archives that are kept at CAVA in the catalogue.