Caught by Freedom... and by the Photographer
Photographer Hilde Braet carried out many assignments for the VUB from 1989 to 1996. Her work gave us iconic images of the University and of life on campus. In early 2017, she donated several thousands of photographs and negatives to CAVA and granted an exclusive licence.
With the exhibition "Gepakt door de vrijheid... en de fotograaf: de Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1989-1996) en de schenking van Hilde Braet, fotograaf en cultuurwetenschapper" ("Caught by freedom... and by the Photographer: the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1989-1996) and the donation of Hilde Braet, photographer and cultural scientist"), the photographer and CAVA want to highlight the importance of donating archives. When private individuals donate archives, they become accessible to a wider audience. It often results in an unexpected view, which leads to new insights into our complex society.
Hilde Braet and Frank Scheelings, coordinator of CAVA, selected 34 photos. These show in a tasteful and often intriguing way how professors carried out research in liberty and students tasted that same freedom during their student years. In addition, the viewer recognises a number of well-known figures, which makes the exhibition very accessible.
A 'preview' of this exhibition could be seen at the BOZAR on 21/06/2017 on the occasion of the presentation of the Prijs Vrijzinnig Humanisme ("Prize for Secular Humanism"). Would you like to exhibit "Gepakt door de vrijheid... en de fotograaf"? Don't hesitate to contact CAVA.