The humanist humorous legacy
The secular humanist community and the students of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel have a long legacy of mocking current affairs and social issues. This regularly results in fascinating and fun images: cartoons in secular humanist magazines and in student newspapers, the medallions and the decoration of the lorries in the Saint Verhaegen procession, protest posters and banners at demonstrations.
Many of the social issues dealt with by the illustrators in the pictures continue to recur generation after generation (e.g. abortion, the increase in tuition fees for higher education, human rights, racism, war, etc.). This has created a humorous humanist legacy, which has cast a critical eye on society since the turbulent 1960s.
On the occasion of Erfgoeddag (“Heritage Day”) 2015, CAVA organised the exhibition De humanistisch-humoristische erfenis. Eigenzinnige afbeeldingen sinds de woelige jaren 60 ("The humanist humorous legacy. Quirky images since the turbulent 1960s") at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, consisting of some eighty images and cartoons. Since then this exhibition has also been shown at the huisvandeMens in Brussels, at the VOC Robert Moucheron in Vilvoorde, at the Huis van de Tolerantie in Leuven, at UPV in Brussels and at the VOC De Schakel in Mechelen.
This exhibition can be lent out. If you would like more information about the exhibition and the lending modalities, please contact CAVA.