Reading Room Rules
Translated from the official Dutch text. In case of conflict between the two languages, the Dutch version should be used for reference.
These rules entered into force on 01/01/2017. By using the reading room, the visitor agrees to comply with the reading room regulations.
Visiting the reading room
Art. 1. The reading room is located in room 0.B.036 and is open on business days from 8.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. and again from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. If you make an appointment we can extend our opening hours until 10 p.m. If you contact us in advance, we can help you more easily. This can be done by phone (02/629.24.34) or by e-mail (info@cavavub.be).
Art. 2. Registration and visits to the reading room are free of charge.
Art. 3. After an interview with an archivist of CAVA, a registration form is filled in. The data on this form are kept for statistical and scientific purposes and treated in accordance with privacy legislation. The visitor has the right to view, correct, etc. his or her data. CAVA commits to using the data only for its operation as an archives.
Art. 4. The reading room register is completed and signed by the reading room visitor at each visit. The reading room visitor can consult the reading room regulations and the quality charter on the notice board in the corridor, in the reading room and on the website.
Art. 5. The person in charge of the reading room will welcome you and give you information about the operation of the reading room. The reading room attendant is responsible for maintaining order.
Art. 6. The researcher carries out his or her own research. The reading room attendant is always available to advise you and help you on your way.
Art. 7. Coats and bags are stored in the “lockers” of the reading room. CAVA is not liable for theft or loss. No smoking, eating or drinking is allowed in the reading room. In order to take notes, you may only use a pencil or laptop to prevent damage to the archival documents. If necessary, pencils will be made available by the reading room attendant.
Art. 8. Archival documents must be handled with care. The reading room attendant can always give instructions in connection with the handling of archival documents. Archival documents can only be consulted in the reading room. After each consultation, the documents are handed back to the reading room attendant, who checks them. Visitors need to inform the reading room attendant whether the documents should remain in the reading room for further consultation or may be returned to the stacks.
Art. 9. The reading room is only intended for the consultation and processing of sources and available literature. It is not a study space.
Access to archival documents
Art. 10. When applying for access to archival documents, the applicant discloses his/her identity and the motivation for the research (purpose and method). Access is granted or refused on the basis of the scientific nature of the method, the scientific added value of the research, the archivist's ability to access the unpublished results, the dissemination of the results, the manner in which sensitive information is processed, the manner in which personal data are anonymised and the extent to which public access and confidentiality requirements are respected. Here are a few examples of why access may be refused:
- there are certain confidentiality provisions in force;
- the archive has been donated voluntarily and expressly declared confidential;
- there is a temporary contractual confidentiality;
- the business interests of the creator of the archive are at risk;
- the material state of the documents is delicate.
Art. 11. Archival documents can be requested by telephone, e-mail or from the reading room attendant. If the quantity of documents requested jeopardises the smooth running of the service, the number of documents available for consultation on one day may be limited.
Art. 12. Reading room visitors do not have access to the stacks.
Loan for use
Art. 13.1. The reference library and archival documents can only be consulted in the reading room.
Art. 13.2. On principle, no archival documents are available for loan for use to private individuals. Documents can be lent out for exhibitions, digitisation and restoration. Each request will be dealt with separately. Documents on loan are insured and exhibited in good material conditions as described in the conditions of the loan for use agreement.
Author's rights and reproduction
Art. 14. The reading room visitor agrees to respect the intellectual property rights of the author and related rights, as well as the rights to one’s own image and intellectual property rights of others.
Art. 15. When using information or images from the collections managed by CAVA in a publication or exhibition, the reading room visitor agrees to do:
- mention CAVA as the archival repository of the sources;
- mention the file names of the archives that were consulted;
- refer in a scientific manner to the sources (this also applies to the names of authors, photographers, etc.);
- donate a (digital) copy of the publication (also in the form of a treatise or thesis) to CAVA;
- in the case of a commercial publication: if you make use of legally protected works or images from the collections of CAVA, you may be required to donate several copies of your work. CAVA will draw your attention to this.
Art. 16. The reproduction regulations form an integral part of the reading room regulations.
Art. 17. The reading room visitor agrees to respect privacy legislation and not to disclose anything that could harm the private and family life of third parties.
In case of violation of the rules
Art. 18. Anyone violating these regulations or disturbing the peace and order may be denied access to the reading room.
Art. 19. In case of theft, attempted theft or deliberate infliction of damage, Security will be notified immediately.
Art. 20. Complaints or suggestions about our services can be sent by e-mail or letter. A reply will be sent within 5 working days. This can be done by sending an e-mail to info@cavavub.be or by sending a letter to CAVA - Universiteitsarchief VUB, Pleinlaan 2 room 0.B.033, 1050 Brussels.