Research on Secular Humanism in Flanders and Brussels
As a cultural archives with a national reach, CAVA conducts research into the archives and heritage of the secular humanist movement in Flanders. The publication of the research guide Op zoek... (a Dutch-language publication on the evolution of secular humanism in Flanders since the Second World War) served to provide suggestions for further research. In addition, CAVA also published contextual information that can be found via the thematic overview.
CAVA is happy to share its online bibliography and scientific reference library with interested parties. They provide background information on the history of secular humanist thought and the secular humanist movement, on themes such as abortion, euthanasia, equal rights, sexuality and the relationship between church and state. They also include publications that link with the research field of secularism and non-religion.
In a recent publication, we substituted the framework to which we normally confine ourselves (Flanders and Brussels) with an international one. Looking Back to Look Forward. Organised Humanism in the World: Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the United States of America, 1945-2005 is the first peer-reviewed synthesis of Western secular humanism.
The "erfgoedfiches" (only available in Dutch) are the result of our research into specific secular humanist organisations and individuals, complete with details of the size of their archives. For a more specific search, please use our online catalogue. The secular humanist heritage map (in Dutch) gives an overview of where the archives of secular humanist associations and individuals are kept.