Secular humanist ICH
Communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals may attach great importance to certain celebrations, rituals and social customs, crafts, skills and techniques, music or forms of performing arts, food and drink, storytelling and language, sports and games or knowledge and practices related to nature ... and consider them to be an important part of their cultural heritage. This living and dynamic heritage is passed on from generation to generation and deserves particular attention!
Celebrations and rituals linked to different stages of life (births, rites of passage, relationship ceremonies and final farewells), the festival of the Zeegeus in Bredene, the Vrijzinnig Zangfeest, St V,... CAVA has conducted research into some of these secular humanist celebrations:
- Feest Vrijzinnige Jeugd (a rite of passage for secular humanist youths);
- St V (a celebration of “Saint” Verhaegen, the founder of the ULB);
- Vrijzinnig Zangfeest (van Vlaanderen) (a secular humanist song contest for student societies at the VUB).
Are these practices important to you? Or do you spontaneously think about other practices related to secular humanism? We’re curious, so do let us know!