Book Een goede dood. 2002-2012: tien jaar ‘controversiële’ euthanasiewet?, submitted by deMens.nu (Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen – UVV)

On 5 May 2012, following the 10th anniversary of the legislation on euthanasia, patient rights and palliative care, deMens.nu held the symposium “Een goede dood. 2002-2012: tien jaar ‘controversiële’ euthanasiewet?” (“A Good Death. 2002-2012: ten years of 'controversial' euthanasia law?”). The law was fiercely criticised. The symposium wanted to discuss possible changes to the law at that time. Moreover, the desired expansion of the law deserved further political debate.
The contributions to the symposium were published in the book “Een goede dood” and supplemented with a number of other relevant texts. In the book, edited by Franky Bussche and Wim Distelmans, the authors analyse the evolution of the application of euthanasia since 2002 and discuss practice and difficulties.
The book is considered by many a reference work on the first 10 years after the adoption of the euthanasia law.