Official Saint Verhaegen Medallions of the 1970s
In 1978 the inscription "BSG" makes its first appearance on the official St V medallion. It refers to the Brussels Studentengenootschap. All subsequent medallions will be jointly published by the French speaking and the Dutch speaking 'umbrella' societies.
You can find more information on the medallions of Saint Verhaegen on the website Collectiones Studenticae and in the book Les Médailles Commémoratives de Saint Verhaegen de 1938 à 1997 by Louis Bastien (1998), which you can consult in our reading room.

OBJ5014 (1970)

OBJ5015 (1971)

OBJ5016 (1972)

OBJ5017 (1973)

OBJ5018 (1974)

OBJ5019 (1975)

OBJ5020 (1976)

OBJ5021 (1977)

OBJ5022 (1978)

OBJ5023 (1979)